Cristina Canal and Francesco Tampieri secure funding to promote the development of competencies for environmentally sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship in STEAM study programs
Oct 11, 2024
Dr. Cristina Canal and Dr. Francesco Tampieri, together with other PlasmaMED Lab and BBT members, are part of an Erasmus+ project that intends to to promote the development of competencies for environmentally sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship in STEAM study programs.
Dr. Cristina Canal and Dr. Francesco Tampieri, PIs of Erasmus+ project IGNITE: Inspiring the next Generation of Innovators through Technology and Empathy and is coordinated by the Mednarodna podiplomska šola Jožefa Stefana, MPŠ (Slovenia).
The project, in which are also involved Prof. Maria-Pau Ginebra, Dr. Marta Pegueroles, Dr. Carles Mas-Moruno and Dr. Montserrat Español, aims to promote the development of competencies for environmentally sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship in STEAM study programs through innovative interdisciplinary approaches of personalized learning and teaching. Across its work packagesand activities, IGNITE expects to achieve severalspecific objectives, such as developing and testing student-tailored learning practices, digital solutions for competency development monitoring and career guidance, or establishing the Ignite Sphere Sustainability Community, fostering collaboration between highereducation institutions and industry.
The project is expected to have a profound impact on students, professors, HEIs and industry in the future.