Leaders of the LTP Community: Career Profiles with Dr. Cristina Canal

May 16, 2024

Doctor Cristina Canal has been featured at the Leaders of the LTP Community: Career Profiles section of the ILTPC Newsletter, published by the International Low Temperature Plasma Community (ILTPC) in its edition number #40.

ILTPCThe International Low Temperature Plasma Community (https://mipse.umich.edu/iltpc.php) is an informal organization with an international membership of researchers from the field of low temperature plasmas (LTPs). Established in April 2020 during the COVID pandemic, it has the goal of being a forum for communication, collaboration, and conversation for the LTP community. Dr. Cristina Canal and her Lab have been part of the organization right from the beginning, and has offered workshops and talks for the community in the past.

The ILTPC distributes a Newsletter to its membership once a month. In number Newsletter #40, Dr. Canal has been featured in the "Leaders of the LTP Community: Career Profiles". In words of the researcher, it came as "a surprise and a honour", since she was proposed for the mention by other members of her Lab.