Milica Zivanic joins Antwerp University for a 1.5-months research stay

Sep 19, 2022

PhD student Milica Zivanic has joined the CORE - Center for Oncological Research of the University of Antwerpern (Belgium) for a 1.5-month research stay under the supervision of Dr. Abraham Lin.

ERC APACHE's PhD student Milica Zivanic has joined the Center for Oncological Research (CORE) of the University of Antwerpern (Belgium) for a 1.5-month research stay under the supervision of Dr. Abraham Lin..

During hER stay, she will characterize the immunogenic and immunomodulatory effects of alginate-based plasma-treated hydrogels (PTHs) for cancer therapy, by primarily analizing different cell surface markers that play a role in immune responses.

Milica is carrying this Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) thanks to the funding offered by COST Action  PlasTHER, CA20114.