PlasmaMED Lab participates in the 3rd Annual Meeting of PlasTHER COST Action

Jun 14, 2024

A good representation the PlasmaMED lab's team attended the 3rd Annual Meeting & Management Committee of COST Action PlasTHER “Therapeutical applications of cold plasmas”, held in Budapest (Hungary) from the 10th to the 13th of June, 2024.

Several integrants of the PlasmaMED lab attended the 3rd Annual Meeting & Management Committee of the PlasTHER Cost Action “Therapeutical applications of cold plasmas”.

The event, held in Budapest (Hungary) from the 10th to the 13th of June, 2024, focused on sharing the latest advances in the basic mechanisms regarding the Action, generating harmonized protocols within the community in the different therapeutic areas involved, and defining a roadmap for each of them.

PlasmaMED lab's delegation got to present several works, both in form of a talk and poster. In summary, these were the works presented:

M. Živanić, A. Espona-Noguera, A. Privat-Maldonado, P. Matušů , F. Tampieri, E. Smits, A. Lin, A.Bogaerts, C. Canal. Histological Characterization of Combinatorial Plasma-Treated Hydrogel and Chemotherapy Treatment in in ovo Sarcoma Model. Oral Presentation.

A. G. Arcoria, F. Tampieri, C. Canal. Study of the interaction between plasma and hydrogels used as models for soft tissue. Oral presentation. 

G. Fornabaio, A. Barceló-Rubiño, C. Canal. Assessing the effects of cold atmospheric plasmas on the breast tumour microenvironment. Oral presentation. 

F. Tampieri, S. Matnazarova, C. Canal, A. Bogaerts, M. Yusupov. Atomic-level modeling of the modifications induced by plasma treatment on alginate biopolymer. Poster presentation.

A. Espona-Noguera, M. Živanić, O.E. Albóniga, J.M. Falcón-Perez, C. Canal. Metabolomics analysis of osteosarcoma cells exposed to plasma-treated hydrogels. Poster presentation.

A. Barceló-Rubiño, G. Fornabaio, C. Canal. From laboratory to therapy: Advancing cancer treatment with plasma-treated alginates. Poster presentation.